Parents Aren’t Comfortable With Schools Reopening

Website: Credits:scott keller


Since COVID19, schools as we know them have been on lockdown. The new norm is virtual learning. School is set to reopen in September and there are major health and safety concerns. As a student, I don’t think it is safe to return to school. A major concern is keeping masks on throughout the day.

During the pandemic, we’ve seen various mask designs. Of course, kids are going to trade their mask or maybe remove it mistakenly. They can trade with someone exposed to the virus. Not only that, but they can also possibly take the virus home to their family.
Karina Vinces is a parent and is concerned about her children returning to school in a pandemic. Vinces said she

“does not feel safe sending her little kids to school because they can get sick any moment.”

Erika Lucas is also a parent, and like Vinces, she is having a hard time deciding if her children should be in school during a pandemic. “It is not the time right now to send little kids to school because they don’t know if their friend is sick and they just trade the mask without knowing they can get sick in school,” Lucas said.

Now, parents don’t feel comfortable sending their kids back to school in this pandemic because they want their kids to be healthy and safe. Ramon Lucas is also a concerned parent. He says “kids touch everything and they don’t know if it’s infected or not. But I don’t feel safe sending my children back to school in this pandemic.”

Health and safety is always a priority.

Now the question is, what are schools doing to make sure students are safe starting in September. Rosario Pinargote, a grandmother, echoed the concerns of other parents. She “does not feel safe sending her grandchild to school in September because kids can get covid19 any moment.”