Fixing The School System. By: Joshua Bellevue


The US education system is in crisis. Grades are dropping and fewer Americans are attending college.

According to ranking, our overall world ranking was number 14 and now, we’re ranked 6th place. This shows that the US can be the best, but we’re holding ourselves back. This major decline has left students and teachers outraged. The solution to this problem is the students in our schools.

If students improve academically, we will rise to the top. According to, only 24.6 percent of Americans get good jobs (jobs that pay over $37,000) and 4.9 percent are unemployed. Therefore, if we change our curriculum, there will be a great improvement.

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Teachers are outraged by the fact that our schools are not providing the studies needed to make our students prosper. Mrs. Antoinette Bellevue, a 6th-grade teacher at middle school 226 in Queens says that “Schools should offer life skills. Students should not only be learning textbook work but how to live and take care of themselves in an ever-changing society.”

This indicates that teachers also agree that schools should offer life skills. It’s not only teachers that dislike the US education system but students also.  

Jada Whitfield, a student at Linden SDA School says “it needs to be improved because we’re learning the same things as last year instead of putting new things in our brain.” Ms. Whitfield is making the claim that school is just teaching you the same things every year, an assertion that many students agree with.

Another issue is the resources used in our schools. Schools lack updated technology, new textbooks, and proper seating. One of the reasons why we are ranked so low is because countries like China and Germany have access to better resources. If the president spends more money on our schools and spends less time demanding money for building walls, we would be doing much better in the world rankings. 

Sixth grade Linden SDA School student David Joseph may have the solution. “We should have more access to the internet,” Joseph says. “This is an intelligent idea that teachers would be pleased with.”

With these ideas, we can truly make the education system perfect. With some effort and a little bit of elbow grease, we can make it happen. Another alternative is for students to be taught material based on their grade level. For example, a child with a 5.4-grade level should be taught an easier material than someone with a 7.0. With this idea, we can improve the education system not only for students, but we can spark improvement for our teachers throughout the nation.