1st Black Female-Owned Ghost Kitchen


I had the pleasure of sitting down with Dianna Rose, the executive director of South-East Queens’ new tech-based food incubator Essential Kitchen. Essential Kitchen is one of two companies owned by the Chae Corporation. Chae Corporation exists primarily with the mission to be a catalyst for thriving local community ecosystems while creating a closed-loop economy in South-East Queens (SEQ). It will be Chae Corp.’s third year hosting Sovereigns Market in SEQ, and with the launch of Essential Kitchen, a variety of the market’s foodpreneurs and food-product makers will have access to local viable space. 

“They’re both circular because you know, the vendors from sovereign markets are clients here at Essential Kitchen and our clients at Essential Kitchen will be our future farmers’ market vendors, and it just creates a circular opportunity.” 

Dianna mentioned her time at her alma mater, Hofstra University, as an influence on her journey into entrepreneurship. Attending Hofstra opened her eyes to the environmental inequality in her neighborhood. In SEQ, sustainable ecosystems or opportunities for health and wellness were lacking.

“It wasn’t until that moment that I realized that. I was actually living ‘that’ here in Southeast Queens.”

She graduated with two degrees from Hofstra University and continued being a part of her community by actively volunteering. She noticed that there was a huge learning curve and teaching opportunity. 

“We have the ideas. We have the talent, we have the desire and the passion, but we don’t have the infrastructure. -Historically you know, being in a dis-invested community opportunities doesn’t really come our way.

In order to achieve a sustainable, healthy, and economically vibrant community, Dianna had to remain realistic, never give up, and walk-in faith. It’s a testimony to see a native of SEQ making an impact to create change and reduce environmental injustice. Small businesses can launch, grow, and prosper using Essential Kitchen. Entrepreneurs can rent the space, which offers storage for equipment and materials, coworking offices, conference rooms, and a walk-in freezer and refrigerator. Click on this link where you can find more information. https://www.essentialkitchen.co/