What Yoga Means To Me

In just a few days, it will be one month since the doors of DehyaYogaStudios has opened.  I remember beating the pavement, calling the realtor (stalking really), driving and asking my son and fiancé to take screen shots of possible locations.  Surfing the web, asking anyone who would listen if they knew of a location that might work.  Now- here we are.  Almost settled.  In a perfect location.  Overwhelmed with gratitude.
My journey to opening this yoga studio has been exactly what yoga has been for me all these years and in fact- the essence of what yoga is.  It took me to this very moment to realize.
I stepped out and forward.  Like we do when we stand on our mat.
I put myself into position.  Like we do in asana (poses).
I breathed.  Like we are reminded in every practice.
I stayed with it.  Yoga is a practice.
I let go. We do what we can.
And then..
It came to me.  Like in life, all we need comes…when we let go.
Yoga means union.   Mind. Body. Soul.  The least few months have been overwhelming, it’s been good, but it hasn’t been easy and there were moments when I felt that I was falling apart.  You know those moments when everything needs to be done yesterday!
But I’ve  learned over the years, and am reminded each time I practice yoga, that in order to keep it together, in order to receive the good that awaits, I need to step forward.  Breathe.  Let go.  And let it will come to me.  It’s not new aged philosophy,  it’s  ancient wisdom.
So, be gentle with yourself.  Life is happening.  Don’t wait to catch your breath before you get on the mat.  Get on the mat and breathe.
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Syntyché Francella
Syntyché Francella Syntyché, EYRT-200, RYT-500, has been practicing yoga for over 15 years. Her experience as a high school administrator has deepened her commitment to the practice of yoga, as she has witnessed first hand its benefits in the lives of both her students and former colleagues. Syntyché, has received training in self-awareness at Columbia University, is a certified mat-Pilates instructor, AromaTouch therapist, and Reiki practitioner. The design of her classes demonstrates a seamless incorporation of both the physical and spiritual elements of yoga; her classes include classic Vinyasa flow, Buti Yoga, Hot Core, Sculpt, Restorative yoga and workshops- all with space for meditation and stillness. DehyaYogaStudios 227-12A Merrick Blvd., Laurelton New York, 11413 www.dehyayogatudios.com Your mat.  Your Place.  Your Practice